Conference Program
The following is the schedule for the conference.
Call for Participation
Please find the full call for participation along with the information on Keynote Speakers as well as the full conference program here. The Conference Program is additionally available on the conftool as well.
CfP + Program- Day 1 – International Forum
- Day 2 – 3DGeoInfo Conference
- Day 3 – 3DGeoInfo Conference
City of Munich | |
09:15 – 09:45 | KEYNOTE |
09:45 -10:45 | PRESENTATIONS (15 minutes each) |
Towards Connected Digital Twins: The Journey from Data for the Public Good to CReDo, the Climate Resilience Demonstrator | |
Helsinki 3D Story City Models – Use cases – Open Services | |
Digital Twin Munich: The Digital Infrastructure of the Climate-Neutral City | |
10:45 – 11:15 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:15 – 12:30 | PRESENTATIONS (15 minutes each) |
Netherlands 3D | |
Urban Digital Twin: How to fit a Chameleon into a standard? | |
Digital Twins: The Future of Urban Planning | |
Key Elements of Urban Digital Twins | |
12:30 – 13:00 | BARCAMP INTRODUCTION |
13:00 – 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:00 – 15:00 | BARCAMP |
Sessions – Part 1 (45 minutes) | |
15:00 – 15:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
15:30 – 16:45 | BARCAMP |
Sessions – Part 2 (45 minutes) | |
16:45 – 17:00 | CONCLUSION |
08:30 – 09:30 | INTRODUCTORY SESSION | |
Opening (Thomas H. Kolbe, Conference Chair) | ||
Welcome address (Werner Lang, Vice President of Technical University of Munich for Sustainable Transformation) | ||
09:30 – 10:00 | MORNING COFFEE/TEA BREAK | |
10:00 – 11:45 | PRESENTATIONS – Morning Session (Session 1) | |
Track A – Applications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins (D1-S1-A) | Track B – 3D Point Cloud Processing and Analysis (D1-S1-B) | |
Recommendation for vegetation information in semantic 3D city models in urban planning applications. (Pantazatou, Karolina; Kanters, Jouri; Mattisson, Kristoffer; Olsson, Per-Ola; Harrie, Lars) | Efficient In-Memory Point Cloud Query Processing. (Teuscher, Balthasar; Geißendörfer, Oliver; Luo, Xuanshu; Li, Hao; Anders, Katharina; Holst, Christoph; Werner, Martin) | |
Shadowing calculation on urban areas from Semantic 3D City Models. (Xu, Longxiang; Leon Sanchez, Camilo; Agugiaro, Giorgio; Stoter, Jantien) | Transferring façade labels between point clouds with semantic octrees while considering change detection (Schwarz, Sophia; Pilz, Tanja Sophie; Wysocki, Olaf; Hoegner, Ludwig; Stilla, Uwe) | |
Supporting teleoperated humanitarian aid missions with 3D visualization using remote sensing data. (Angermann, Lucas Dominik; Halbgewachs, Magdalena Felicitas; Lechner, Konstanze) | Investigating Data Fusion from Three Different Point Cloud Datasets by using Iterative Closest Point (ICP) Registration. (Mutiarasari, Wahyu M.; Rahman, M. Z. Abd; Abdul Rahman, Alias) | |
Solid Waste in the Virtual World: A Digital Twinning Approach for Waste Collection Planning. (Cárdenas, Iván; Koeva, Mila; Davey, Calayde; Nourian, Pirouz) | Sensing heathland vegetation structure from Unmanned Aircraft System Laser Scanner: Comparing sensors and flying heights. (Homainejad, Nina; Winiwarter, Lukas; Hollaus, Markus; Zlatanova, Sisi; Pfeifer, Norbert) | |
Automatically evaluating the service quality of bicycle paths based on semantic 3D city models. (Beil, Christof; Ilic, Mario; Keler, Andreas; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | Comparison of point distance calculation methods in point clouds – Is the most complex always the most suitable? (Diaz, Vitali; van Oosterom, Peter; Meijers, Martin; Verbree, Edward; Ahmed, Nauman; van Lankveld, Thijs) | |
11:45 – 13:00 | LUNCH | |
13:00 – 14:45 | PRESENTATIONS – Afternoon Session (Session 2) | |
Track A – VR / AR and Visualization (D1-S2-A) | Track B – Indoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation (D1-S2-B) | |
Virtual Reality experience analysis from Point Cloud Data. (Aneiros Egido, Diego; Balado Frías, Jesús; Tran, Ha; Díaz Vilariño, Lucía) | RGB-D Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Modeling Using Deep Learning: A Review. (Rached, Ishraq; Hajji, Rafika; Landes, Tania) | |
Visualisation of 3D Uncertainties for Subsurface Infrastructure using Augmented Reality. (Vinther, Simon Quaade; Kunnerup, Frida Dalbjerg; Bodum, Lars; Hansen, Lasse Hedegaard; Wyke, Simon) | A framework for generating IndoorGML data from omnidirectional images. (Kim, Misun; Lee, Jeongwon; Lee, Jiyeong) | |
Immersive virtual reality to verify the as-built state of electric line networks in buildings. (Knechtel, Julius; Li, Weilian; Orgeig, Yannick; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Dehbi, Youness) | Deep Adaptive Network for WiFi-based Indoor Localization. (Ahmad, Afnan; Sohn, Gunho) | |
3D Data Mapping with Augmented Reality. (Lee, Ming-Chun) | MoLi-PoseGAN: Model-based Indoor Relocalization using GAN and Deep Pose Regression from Synthetic LiDAR Scans. (Zhao, Hang; Tomko, Martin; Khoshelham, Kourosh) | |
Creating a 3D Multi-Dataset Bubble in Support of OGC Testbed-19 and Metaverse Standards Prototypes. (Clarke, James; Smyth, Steve; Smith, Rob; Morley, Jeremy) | Digital Twins: Simulating Robot-Human Sidewalk Interactions. (Hassan, Ali; Usman, Muhammad; Kremer, Melissa; Yang, Seungho; Luubert, Micheal; Faloutsos, Petros; Hall, Brent G.; Sohn, Gunho) | |
14:45 – 15.15 | AFTERNOON COFFEE/TEA BREAK | |
15:15 – 17:00 | PRESENTATIONS – Evening Session (Session 3) | |
| Track A – GIS / BIM Integration (D1-S3-A) | Track B – 3D Data Modelling and Topology (D1-S3-B) |
Assessment of the LoD specification for the integration of BIM-derived building models in 3D city model. (Vaart, Jasper van der; Stoter, Jantien; Diakité, Abdoulaye; Biljecki, Filip; Ohori, Ken Arroyo; Hakim, Amir) | A Level of as-is Detail Concept for Digital Twins of Roads – Case Study. (Crampen, David; Hein, Marcel; Blankenbach, Jörg) | |
IFC georeferencing for OSM. (Tauscher, Helga; Heigener, Dominik; Krishnakumar, Subhashini; Graichen, Thomas; Schmidt, Rebecca; Richter, Julia) | Digital geoTwin: a CityGML-based data model for a virtual replica of the City of Vienna. (Lehner, Hubert; Kordasch, Sara Lena; Glatz, Charlotte; Agugiaro, Giorgio) | |
Merging BIM, Land Use and 2D Cadastral Maps into a Digital Twin Fit-for-Purpose Geospatial Infrastructure. (Andritsou, Dimitra; Soile, Sofia; Potsiou, Chryssy) | A Hierarchy of Levels of Detail for 3D Utility Network Models. (Chen, Zihan; Pouliot, Jacynthe; Hubert, Frédéric) | |
Artificial Intelligence for the automated creation of multi-scale digital twins of the built world – AI4TWINNING. (Borrmann, André; Biswanath, Manoj; Braun, Alex; Chen, Zhaiyu; Cremers, Daniel; Heeramaglore, Medhini; Hoegner, Ludwig; Mehranfar, Mansour; Kolbe, Thomas; Petzold, Frank; Rueda, Alejandro; Solonets, Sergei; Zhu, Xiao Xiang) | Topological representation of a 4D cell complex and its dual–feasibility study. (Boguslawski, Pawel) | |
Development of a Geo to BIM converter: CityJSON importer plugin for Autodesk Revit. (Hakim, Amir; van der Vaart, Jasper; Ohori, Ken Arroyo; Stoter, Jantien) | 3D Topology Rules Implementation in Spatial Database. (Salleh, Syahiirah; Ujang, Uznir; Azri, Suhaibah) | |
19:00 Onwards | CONFERENCE DINNER | |
The 3DGeoInfo Journey from 2006 to 2022 – A Reflection (Alias Abdul Rahman) | ||
Presentation of Awards (Thomas H. Kolbe) |
THURSDAY – 14. SEPTEMBER 2023 – 3DGEOINFO CONFERENCE @TUM, Garching – Informatics Department – Boltzmannstraße 3, Munich | ||
09:00 – 09:55 | INTRODUCTORY SESSION Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) | |
KEYNOTE Research Insights and Perspectives of Urban Digital Twins (Filip Biljecki, Professor at the National University of Singapore) | ||
Short Presentation by ESRI Deutschland GmbH (Platinum Sponsor) | ||
09:55 – 10:30 | MORNING COFFEE/TEA BREAK | |
10:30 – 12:15 | PRESENTATIONS – Morning Session (Session 1) | |
Track A – 3D Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins (D2-S1-A) Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) Chair: Youness Dehbi | Track B – Software and Tools for 3D spatial data (D2-S1-B) Location: HS2 (Hörsaal 2) Chair: Mila Koeva | |
Enriched semantic 3D point clouds: An alternative to 3D City models for Digital Twin for Cities? (Jeddoub, Imane; Ballouch, Zouhair; Hajji, Rafika; Billen, Roland) | OGC Data Exchange Toolkit: Interoperable and Reusable 3D data at the end of the OGC Rainbow. (Noardo, Francesca; Atkinson, Rob; Simonis, Ingo; Villar, Alejandro; Zaborowski, Piotr) | |
Unsupervised Roofline Extraction from True Orthophotos for LoD2 Building Model Reconstruction. (Gao, Weixiao; Peters, Ravi; Stoter, Jantien) | cjdb: A simple, fast, and lean database solution for the CityGML data model. (Powałka, Leon; Poon, Chris; Xia, Yitong; Meines, Siebren; Yan, Lan; Cai, Yuduan; Stravopoulou, Gina; Dukai, Balázs; Ledoux, Hugo) | |
Enhancing Realism in Urban Simulations: A Mapping Framework for the German National Standard XPlanung and CityGML. (Zahid, Hamza; Hijazi, Ihab; Donabauer, Andreas; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | Introducing the 3DCityDB-Tools plug-in for QGIS. (Agugiaro, Giorgio; Pantelios, Konstantinos; León-Sánchez, Camilo; Yao, Zhihang; Nagel, Claus) | |
An Alternative Raw Data Acquisition Approach for Reconstruction of LOD3 Models. (Frank, Florian; Hoegner, Ludwig; Buckel, Peter; Dalm, Kris) | Challenges and Steps Toward Implementing 3D Cadastral Database – Physical Data Model of LADM. (Shahidinejad, Javad; Kalantari, Mohsen; Rajabifard, Abbas) | |
Identification and Interpretation of Change Patterns in Semantic 3D City Models. (Nguyen, Son H.; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | Optim3D: Efficient and scalable generation of large-scale 3D building models. (Yarroudh, Anass; Kharroubi, Abderrazzaq; Billen, Roland) | |
12:15 – 13:15 | LUNCH | |
13:15 – 15:00 | PRESENTATIONS – Afternoon Session (Session 2) | |
Track A – Deriving 3D models from point clouds (D2-S2-A) Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) Chair: Roland Billen | Track B – Sensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins (D2-S2-B) Location: HS2 (Hörsaal 2) Chair: Sisi Zlatanova | |
Reconstructing façade details using MLS point clouds and Bag-of-Words approach. (Fröch, Thomas; Wysocki, Olaf; Hoegner, Ludwig; Stilla, Uwe) | Dynamic Digital Twins: Challenges, Perspectives and Practical Implementation from a City’s Perspective. (Richter, Rico; Knospe, Frank; Trapp, Matthias; Döllner, Jürgen) | |
Generating 3D Roof Models from ALS Point Clouds using Roof Line Topologies. (Kong, Gefei; Fan, Hongchao) | Humans as Sensors in Urban Digital Twins. (Lei, Binyu; Su, Yunlei; Biljecki, Filip) | |
MLS2LoD3: Refining low LoDs building models with MLS point clouds to reconstruct semantic LoD3 building models. (Wysocki, Olaf; Hoegner, Ludwig; Stilla, Uwe) | Visualisation Requirements for Integrated 3D City Models and Sensor Data in Urban Digital Twins. (Gitahi, Joseph; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | |
Semantic segmentation of buildings using multisource ALS data. (Walicka, Agata; Pfeifer, Norbert) | Investigation of CityGML 3.0 for modelling temporal aspects in underground land administration. (Saeidian, Bahram; Rajabifard, Abbas; Atazadeh, Behnam; Kalantari, Mohsen) | |
Classifying point clouds at the facade-level using geometric features and deep learning networks. (Tan, Yue; Wysocki, Olaf; Stilla, Uwe; Hoegner, Ludwig) | Integrating dynamic data with 3D city models via CityJSON extension. (Boumhidi, Khawla; Nys, Gilles-Antoine; Hajji, Rafika) | |
15:00 – 15:30 | AFTERNOON COFFEE/TEA BREAK (Grab your drinks for the closing ceremony) | |
15:30 – 16:00 | CLOSING Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) | |
Conclusion of Conference and announcement of next year’s conference details |

Conference Program
The following is the schedule for the conference. *Please note that it is subject to change.
Call for Participation
Please find the full call for participation along with the information on Keynote Speakers as well as the full conference program here. The Conference Program is additionally available on the conftool as well.
CfP + Program- Day 1 – International Forum
- Day 2 – 3DGeoInfo Conference
- Day 3 – 3DGeoInfo Conference
City of Munich | |
09:15 – 09:45 | KEYNOTE |
09:45 -10:45 | PRESENTATIONS (15 minutes each) |
Towards Connected Digital Twins: The Journey from Data for the Public Good to CReDo, the Climate Resilience Demonstrator | |
Helsinki 3D Story City Models – Use cases – Open Services | |
Digital Twin Munich: The Digital Infrastructure of the Climate-Neutral City | |
10:45 – 11:15 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:15 – 12:30 | PRESENTATIONS (15 minutes each) |
Netherlands 3D | |
Urban Digital Twin: How to fit a Chameleon into a standard? | |
Digital Twins: The Future of Urban Planning | |
Key Elements of Urban Digital Twins | |
12:30 – 13:00 | BARCAMP INTRODUCTION |
13:00 – 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:00 – 15:00 | BARCAMP |
Sessions – Part 1 (45 minutes) | |
15:00 – 15:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
15:30 – 16:45 | BARCAMP |
Sessions – Part 2 (45 minutes) | |
16:45 – 17:00 | CONCLUSION |
08:30 – 09:30 | INTRODUCTORY SESSION | |
Opening (Thomas H. Kolbe, Conference Chair) | ||
Welcome address (Werner Lang, Vice President of Technical University of Munich for Sustainable Transformation) | ||
09:30 – 10:00 | MORNING COFFEE/TEA BREAK | |
10:00 – 11:45 | PRESENTATIONS – Morning Session (Session 1) | |
Track A – Applications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins (D1-S1-A) | Track B – 3D Point Cloud Processing and Analysis (D1-S1-B) | |
Recommendation for vegetation information in semantic 3D city models in urban planning applications. (Pantazatou, Karolina; Kanters, Jouri; Mattisson, Kristoffer; Olsson, Per-Ola; Harrie, Lars) | Efficient In-Memory Point Cloud Query Processing. (Teuscher, Balthasar; Geißendörfer, Oliver; Luo, Xuanshu; Li, Hao; Anders, Katharina; Holst, Christoph; Werner, Martin) | |
Shadowing calculation on urban areas from Semantic 3D City Models. (Xu, Longxiang; Leon Sanchez, Camilo; Agugiaro, Giorgio; Stoter, Jantien) | Transferring façade labels between point clouds with semantic octrees while considering change detection (Schwarz, Sophia; Pilz, Tanja Sophie; Wysocki, Olaf; Hoegner, Ludwig; Stilla, Uwe) | |
Supporting teleoperated humanitarian aid missions with 3D visualization using remote sensing data. (Angermann, Lucas Dominik; Halbgewachs, Magdalena Felicitas; Lechner, Konstanze) | Investigating Data Fusion from Three Different Point Cloud Datasets by using Iterative Closest Point (ICP) Registration. (Mutiarasari, Wahyu M.; Rahman, M. Z. Abd; Abdul Rahman, Alias) | |
Solid Waste in the Virtual World: A Digital Twinning Approach for Waste Collection Planning. (Cárdenas, Iván; Koeva, Mila; Davey, Calayde; Nourian, Pirouz) | Sensing heathland vegetation structure from Unmanned Aircraft System Laser Scanner: Comparing sensors and flying heights. (Homainejad, Nina; Winiwarter, Lukas; Hollaus, Markus; Zlatanova, Sisi; Pfeifer, Norbert) | |
Automatically evaluating the service quality of bicycle paths based on semantic 3D city models. (Beil, Christof; Ilic, Mario; Keler, Andreas; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | Comparison of point distance calculation methods in point clouds – Is the most complex always the most suitable? (Diaz, Vitali; van Oosterom, Peter; Meijers, Martin; Verbree, Edward; Ahmed, Nauman; van Lankveld, Thijs) | |
11:45 – 13:00 | LUNCH | |
13:00 – 14:45 | PRESENTATIONS – Afternoon Session (Session 2) | |
Track A – VR / AR and Visualization (D1-S2-A) | Track B – Indoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation (D1-S2-B) | |
Virtual Reality experience analysis from Point Cloud Data. (Aneiros Egido, Diego; Balado Frías, Jesús; Tran, Ha; Díaz Vilariño, Lucía) | RGB-D Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Modeling Using Deep Learning: A Review. (Rached, Ishraq; Hajji, Rafika; Landes, Tania) | |
Visualisation of 3D Uncertainties for Subsurface Infrastructure using Augmented Reality. (Vinther, Simon Quaade; Kunnerup, Frida Dalbjerg; Bodum, Lars; Hansen, Lasse Hedegaard; Wyke, Simon) | A framework for generating IndoorGML data from omnidirectional images. (Kim, Misun; Lee, Jeongwon; Lee, Jiyeong) | |
Immersive virtual reality to verify the as-built state of electric line networks in buildings. (Knechtel, Julius; Li, Weilian; Orgeig, Yannick; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Dehbi, Youness) | Deep Adaptive Network for WiFi-based Indoor Localization. (Ahmad, Afnan; Sohn, Gunho) | |
3D Data Mapping with Augmented Reality. (Lee, Ming-Chun) | MoLi-PoseGAN: Model-based Indoor Relocalization using GAN and Deep Pose Regression from Synthetic LiDAR Scans. (Zhao, Hang; Tomko, Martin; Khoshelham, Kourosh) | |
Creating a 3D Multi-Dataset Bubble in Support of OGC Testbed-19 and Metaverse Standards Prototypes. (Clarke, James; Smyth, Steve; Smith, Rob; Morley, Jeremy) | Digital Twins: Simulating Robot-Human Sidewalk Interactions. (Hassan, Ali; Usman, Muhammad; Kremer, Melissa; Yang, Seungho; Luubert, Micheal; Faloutsos, Petros; Hall, Brent G.; Sohn, Gunho) | |
14:45 – 15.15 | AFTERNOON COFFEE/TEA BREAK | |
15:15 – 17:00 | PRESENTATIONS – Evening Session (Session 3) | |
| Track A – GIS / BIM Integration (D1-S3-A) | Track B – 3D Data Modelling and Topology (D1-S3-B) |
Assessment of the LoD specification for the integration of BIM-derived building models in 3D city model. (Vaart, Jasper van der; Stoter, Jantien; Diakité, Abdoulaye; Biljecki, Filip; Ohori, Ken Arroyo; Hakim, Amir) | A Level of as-is Detail Concept for Digital Twins of Roads – Case Study. (Crampen, David; Hein, Marcel; Blankenbach, Jörg) | |
IFC georeferencing for OSM. (Tauscher, Helga; Heigener, Dominik; Krishnakumar, Subhashini; Graichen, Thomas; Schmidt, Rebecca; Richter, Julia) | Digital geoTwin: a CityGML-based data model for a virtual replica of the City of Vienna. (Lehner, Hubert; Kordasch, Sara Lena; Glatz, Charlotte; Agugiaro, Giorgio) | |
Merging BIM, Land Use and 2D Cadastral Maps into a Digital Twin Fit-for-Purpose Geospatial Infrastructure. (Andritsou, Dimitra; Soile, Sofia; Potsiou, Chryssy) | A Hierarchy of Levels of Detail for 3D Utility Network Models. (Chen, Zihan; Pouliot, Jacynthe; Hubert, Frédéric) | |
Artificial Intelligence for the automated creation of multi-scale digital twins of the built world – AI4TWINNING. (Borrmann, André; Biswanath, Manoj; Braun, Alex; Chen, Zhaiyu; Cremers, Daniel; Heeramaglore, Medhini; Hoegner, Ludwig; Mehranfar, Mansour; Kolbe, Thomas; Petzold, Frank; Rueda, Alejandro; Solonets, Sergei; Zhu, Xiao Xiang) | Topological representation of a 4D cell complex and its dual–feasibility study. (Boguslawski, Pawel) | |
Development of a Geo to BIM converter: CityJSON importer plugin for Autodesk Revit. (Hakim, Amir; van der Vaart, Jasper; Ohori, Ken Arroyo; Stoter, Jantien) | 3D Topology Rules Implementation in Spatial Database. (Salleh, Syahiirah; Ujang, Uznir; Azri, Suhaibah) | |
19:00 Onwards | CONFERENCE DINNER | |
The 3DGeoInfo Journey from 2006 to 2022 – A Reflection (Alias Abdul Rahman) | ||
Presentation of Awards (Thomas H. Kolbe) |
THURSDAY – 14. SEPTEMBER 2023 – 3DGEOINFO CONFERENCE @TUM, Garching – Informatics Department – Boltzmannstraße 3, Munich | ||
09:00 – 09:55 | INTRODUCTORY SESSION Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) | |
KEYNOTE Research Insights and Perspectives of Urban Digital Twins (Filip Biljecki, Professor at the National University of Singapore) | ||
Short Presentation by ESRI Deutschland GmbH (Platinum Sponsor) | ||
09:55 – 10:30 | MORNING COFFEE/TEA BREAK | |
10:30 – 12:15 | PRESENTATIONS – Morning Session (Session 1) | |
Track A – 3D Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins (D2-S1-A) Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) Chair: Youness Dehbi | Track B – Software and Tools for 3D spatial data (D2-S1-B) Location: HS2 (Hörsaal 1) Chair: Mila Koeva | |
Enriched semantic 3D point clouds: An alternative to 3D City models for Digital Twin for Cities? (Jeddoub, Imane; Ballouch, Zouhair; Hajji, Rafika; Billen, Roland) | OGC Data Exchange Toolkit: Interoperable and Reusable 3D data at the end of the OGC Rainbow. (Noardo, Francesca; Atkinson, Rob; Simonis, Ingo; Villar, Alejandro; Zaborowski, Piotr) | |
Unsupervised Roofline Extraction from True Orthophotos for LoD2 Building Model Reconstruction. (Gao, Weixiao; Peters, Ravi; Stoter, Jantien) | cjdb: A simple, fast, and lean database solution for the CityGML data model. (Powałka, Leon; Poon, Chris; Xia, Yitong; Meines, Siebren; Yan, Lan; Cai, Yuduan; Stravopoulou, Gina; Dukai, Balázs; Ledoux, Hugo) | |
Enhancing Realism in Urban Simulations: A Mapping Framework for the German National Standard XPlanung and CityGML. (Zahid, Hamza; Hijazi, Ihab; Donabauer, Andreas; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | Introducing the 3DCityDB-Tools plug-in for QGIS. (Agugiaro, Giorgio; Pantelios, Konstantinos; León-Sánchez, Camilo; Yao, Zhihang; Nagel, Claus) | |
An Alternative Raw Data Acquisition Approach for Reconstruction of LOD3 Models. (Frank, Florian; Hoegner, Ludwig; Buckel, Peter; Dalm, Kris) | Challenges and Steps Toward Implementing 3D Cadastral Database – Physical Data Model of LADM. (Shahidinejad, Javad; Kalantari, Mohsen; Rajabifard, Abbas) | |
Identification and Interpretation of Change Patterns in Semantic 3D City Models. (Nguyen, Son H.; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | Optim3D: Efficient and scalable generation of large-scale 3D building models. (Yarroudh, Anass; Kharroubi, Abderrazzaq; Billen, Roland) | |
12:15 – 13:15 | LUNCH | |
13:15 – 15:00 | PRESENTATIONS – Afternoon Session (Session 2) | |
Track A – Deriving 3D models from point clouds (D2-S2-A) Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) Chair: Roland Billen | Track B – Sensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins (D2-S2-B) Location: HS2 (Hörsaal 2) Chair: Sisi Zlatanova | |
Reconstructing façade details using MLS point clouds and Bag-of-Words approach. (Fröch, Thomas; Wysocki, Olaf; Hoegner, Ludwig; Stilla, Uwe) | Dynamic Digital Twins: Challenges, Perspectives and Practical Implementation from a City’s Perspective. (Richter, Rico; Knospe, Frank; Trapp, Matthias; Döllner, Jürgen) | |
Generating 3D Roof Models from ALS Point Clouds using Roof Line Topologies. (Kong, Gefei; Fan, Hongchao) | Humans as Sensors in Urban Digital Twins. (Lei, Binyu; Su, Yunlei; Biljecki, Filip) | |
MLS2LoD3: Refining low LoDs building models with MLS point clouds to reconstruct semantic LoD3 building models. (Wysocki, Olaf; Hoegner, Ludwig; Stilla, Uwe) | Visualisation Requirements for Integrated 3D City Models and Sensor Data in Urban Digital Twins. (Gitahi, Joseph; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | |
Semantic segmentation of buildings using multisource ALS data. (Walicka, Agata; Pfeifer, Norbert) | Investigation of CityGML 3.0 for modelling temporal aspects in underground land administration. (Saeidian, Bahram; Rajabifard, Abbas; Atazadeh, Behnam; Kalantari, Mohsen) | |
Classifying point clouds at the facade-level using geometric features and deep learning networks. (Tan, Yue; Wysocki, Olaf; Stilla, Uwe; Hoegner, Ludwig) | Integrating dynamic data with 3D city models via CityJSON extension. (Boumhidi, Khawla; Nys, Gilles-Antoine; Hajji, Rafika) | |
15:00 – 15:30 | AFTERNOON COFFEE/TEA BREAK (Grab your drinks for the closing ceremony) | |
15:30 – 16:00 | CLOSING Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) | |
Conclusion of Conference and announcement of next year’s conference details |

Conference Program
The following is the schedule for the conference. *Please note that it is subject to change.
Call for Participation
Please find the full call for participation along with the information on Keynote Speakers as well as the full conference program here. The Conference Program is additionally available on the conftool as well.
City of Munich | |
09:15 – 09:45 | KEYNOTE |
09:45 -10:45 | PRESENTATIONS (15 minutes each) |
Towards Connected Digital Twins: The Journey from Data for the Public Good to CReDo, the Climate Resilience Demonstrator | |
Helsinki 3D Story City Models – Use cases – Open Services | |
Digital Twin Munich: The Digital Infrastructure of the Climate-Neutral City | |
10:45 – 11:15 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:15 – 12:30 | PRESENTATIONS (15 minutes each) |
Netherlands 3D | |
Urban Digital Twin: How to fit a Chameleon into a standard? | |
Digital Twins: The Future of Urban Planning | |
Key Elements of Urban Digital Twins | |
12:30 – 13:00 | BARCAMP INTRODUCTION |
13:00 – 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK |
14:00 – 15:00 | BARCAMP |
Sessions – Part 1 (45 minutes) | |
15:00 – 15:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
15:30 – 16:45 | BARCAMP |
Sessions – Part 2 (45 minutes) | |
16:45 – 17:00 | CONCLUSION |
08:30 – 09:30 | INTRODUCTORY SESSION | |
Opening (Thomas H. Kolbe, Conference Chair) | ||
Welcome address (Werner Lang, Vice President of Technical University of Munich for Sustainable Transformation) | ||
09:30 – 10:00 | MORNING COFFEE/TEA BREAK | |
10:00 – 11:45 | PRESENTATIONS – Morning Session (Session 1) | |
Track A – Applications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins (D1-S1-A) | Track B – 3D Point Cloud Processing and Analysis (D1-S1-B) | |
Recommendation for vegetation information in semantic 3D city models in urban planning applications. (Pantazatou, Karolina; Kanters, Jouri; Mattisson, Kristoffer; Olsson, Per-Ola; Harrie, Lars) | Efficient In-Memory Point Cloud Query Processing. (Teuscher, Balthasar; Geißendörfer, Oliver; Luo, Xuanshu; Li, Hao; Anders, Katharina; Holst, Christoph; Werner, Martin) | |
Shadowing calculation on urban areas from Semantic 3D City Models. (Xu, Longxiang; Leon Sanchez, Camilo; Agugiaro, Giorgio; Stoter, Jantien) | Transferring façade labels between point clouds with semantic octrees while considering change detection (Schwarz, Sophia; Pilz, Tanja Sophie; Wysocki, Olaf; Hoegner, Ludwig; Stilla, Uwe) | |
Supporting teleoperated humanitarian aid missions with 3D visualization using remote sensing data. (Angermann, Lucas Dominik; Halbgewachs, Magdalena Felicitas; Lechner, Konstanze) | Investigating Data Fusion from Three Different Point Cloud Datasets by using Iterative Closest Point (ICP) Registration. (Mutiarasari, Wahyu M.; Rahman, M. Z. Abd; Abdul Rahman, Alias) | |
Solid Waste in the Virtual World: A Digital Twinning Approach for Waste Collection Planning. (Cárdenas, Iván; Koeva, Mila; Davey, Calayde; Nourian, Pirouz) | Sensing heathland vegetation structure from Unmanned Aircraft System Laser Scanner: Comparing sensors and flying heights. (Homainejad, Nina; Winiwarter, Lukas; Hollaus, Markus; Zlatanova, Sisi; Pfeifer, Norbert) | |
Automatically evaluating the service quality of bicycle paths based on semantic 3D city models. (Beil, Christof; Ilic, Mario; Keler, Andreas; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | Comparison of point distance calculation methods in point clouds – Is the most complex always the most suitable? (Diaz, Vitali; van Oosterom, Peter; Meijers, Martin; Verbree, Edward; Ahmed, Nauman; van Lankveld, Thijs) | |
11:45 – 13:00 | LUNCH | |
13:00 – 14:45 | PRESENTATIONS – Afternoon Session (Session 2) | |
Track A – VR / AR and Visualization (D1-S2-A) | Track B – Indoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation (D1-S2-B) | |
Virtual Reality experience analysis from Point Cloud Data. (Aneiros Egido, Diego; Balado Frías, Jesús; Tran, Ha; Díaz Vilariño, Lucía) | RGB-D Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Modeling Using Deep Learning: A Review. (Rached, Ishraq; Hajji, Rafika; Landes, Tania) | |
Visualisation of 3D Uncertainties for Subsurface Infrastructure using Augmented Reality. (Vinther, Simon Quaade; Kunnerup, Frida Dalbjerg; Bodum, Lars; Hansen, Lasse Hedegaard; Wyke, Simon) | A framework for generating IndoorGML data from omnidirectional images. (Kim, Misun; Lee, Jeongwon; Lee, Jiyeong) | |
Immersive virtual reality to verify the as-built state of electric line networks in buildings. (Knechtel, Julius; Li, Weilian; Orgeig, Yannick; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Dehbi, Youness) | Deep Adaptive Network for WiFi-based Indoor Localization. (Ahmad, Afnan; Sohn, Gunho) | |
3D Data Mapping with Augmented Reality. (Lee, Ming-Chun) | MoLi-PoseGAN: Model-based Indoor Relocalization using GAN and Deep Pose Regression from Synthetic LiDAR Scans. (Zhao, Hang; Tomko, Martin; Khoshelham, Kourosh) | |
Creating a 3D Multi-Dataset Bubble in Support of OGC Testbed-19 and Metaverse Standards Prototypes. (Clarke, James; Smyth, Steve; Smith, Rob; Morley, Jeremy) | Digital Twins: Simulating Robot-Human Sidewalk Interactions. (Hassan, Ali; Usman, Muhammad; Kremer, Melissa; Yang, Seungho; Luubert, Micheal; Faloutsos, Petros; Hall, Brent G.; Sohn, Gunho) | |
14:45 – 15.15 | AFTERNOON COFFEE/TEA BREAK | |
15:15 – 17:00 | PRESENTATIONS – Evening Session (Session 3) | |
| Track A – GIS / BIM Integration (D1-S3-A) | Track B – 3D Data Modelling and Topology (D1-S3-B) |
Assessment of the LoD specification for the integration of BIM-derived building models in 3D city model. (Vaart, Jasper van der; Stoter, Jantien; Diakité, Abdoulaye; Biljecki, Filip; Ohori, Ken Arroyo; Hakim, Amir) | A Level of as-is Detail Concept for Digital Twins of Roads – Case Study. (Crampen, David; Hein, Marcel; Blankenbach, Jörg) | |
IFC georeferencing for OSM. (Tauscher, Helga; Heigener, Dominik; Krishnakumar, Subhashini; Graichen, Thomas; Schmidt, Rebecca; Richter, Julia) | Digital geoTwin: a CityGML-based data model for a virtual replica of the City of Vienna. (Lehner, Hubert; Kordasch, Sara Lena; Glatz, Charlotte; Agugiaro, Giorgio) | |
Merging BIM, Land Use and 2D Cadastral Maps into a Digital Twin Fit-for-Purpose Geospatial Infrastructure. (Andritsou, Dimitra; Soile, Sofia; Potsiou, Chryssy) | A Hierarchy of Levels of Detail for 3D Utility Network Models. (Chen, Zihan; Pouliot, Jacynthe; Hubert, Frédéric) | |
Artificial Intelligence for the automated creation of multi-scale digital twins of the built world – AI4TWINNING. (Borrmann, André; Biswanath, Manoj; Braun, Alex; Chen, Zhaiyu; Cremers, Daniel; Heeramaglore, Medhini; Hoegner, Ludwig; Mehranfar, Mansour; Kolbe, Thomas; Petzold, Frank; Rueda, Alejandro; Solonets, Sergei; Zhu, Xiao Xiang) | Topological representation of a 4D cell complex and its dual–feasibility study. (Boguslawski, Pawel) | |
Development of a Geo to BIM converter: CityJSON importer plugin for Autodesk Revit. (Hakim, Amir; van der Vaart, Jasper; Ohori, Ken Arroyo; Stoter, Jantien) | 3D Topology Rules Implementation in Spatial Database. (Salleh, Syahiirah; Ujang, Uznir; Azri, Suhaibah) | |
19:00 Onwards | CONFERENCE DINNER | |
The 3DGeoInfo Journey from 2006 to 2022 – A Reflection (Alias Abdul Rahman) | ||
Presentation of Awards (Thomas H. Kolbe) |
THURSDAY – 14. SEPTEMBER 2023 – 3DGEOINFO CONFERENCE @TUM, Garching – Informatics Department – Boltzmannstraße 3, Munich | ||
09:00 – 09:55 | INTRODUCTORY SESSION Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) | |
KEYNOTE Research Insights and Perspectives of Urban Digital Twins (Filip Biljecki, Professor at the National University of Singapore) | ||
Short Presentation by ESRI Deutschland GmbH (Platinum Sponsor) | ||
09:55 – 10:30 | MORNING COFFEE/TEA BREAK | |
10:30 – 12:15 | PRESENTATIONS – Morning Session (Session 1) | |
Track A – 3D Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins (D2-S1-A) Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) Chair: Youness Dehbi | Track B – Software and Tools for 3D spatial data (D2-S1-B) Location: HS2 (Hörsaal 1) Chair: Mila Koeva | |
Enriched semantic 3D point clouds: An alternative to 3D City models for Digital Twin for Cities? (Jeddoub, Imane; Ballouch, Zouhair; Hajji, Rafika; Billen, Roland) | OGC Data Exchange Toolkit: Interoperable and Reusable 3D data at the end of the OGC Rainbow. (Noardo, Francesca; Atkinson, Rob; Simonis, Ingo; Villar, Alejandro; Zaborowski, Piotr) | |
Unsupervised Roofline Extraction from True Orthophotos for LoD2 Building Model Reconstruction. (Gao, Weixiao; Peters, Ravi; Stoter, Jantien) | cjdb: A simple, fast, and lean database solution for the CityGML data model. (Powałka, Leon; Poon, Chris; Xia, Yitong; Meines, Siebren; Yan, Lan; Cai, Yuduan; Stravopoulou, Gina; Dukai, Balázs; Ledoux, Hugo) | |
Enhancing Realism in Urban Simulations: A Mapping Framework for the German National Standard XPlanung and CityGML. (Zahid, Hamza; Hijazi, Ihab; Donabauer, Andreas; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | Introducing the 3DCityDB-Tools plug-in for QGIS. (Agugiaro, Giorgio; Pantelios, Konstantinos; León-Sánchez, Camilo; Yao, Zhihang; Nagel, Claus) | |
An Alternative Raw Data Acquisition Approach for Reconstruction of LOD3 Models. (Frank, Florian; Hoegner, Ludwig; Buckel, Peter; Dalm, Kris) | Challenges and Steps Toward Implementing 3D Cadastral Database – Physical Data Model of LADM. (Shahidinejad, Javad; Kalantari, Mohsen; Rajabifard, Abbas) | |
Identification and Interpretation of Change Patterns in Semantic 3D City Models. (Nguyen, Son H.; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | Optim3D: Efficient and scalable generation of large-scale 3D building models. (Yarroudh, Anass; Kharroubi, Abderrazzaq; Billen, Roland) | |
12:15 – 13:15 | LUNCH | |
13:15 – 15:00 | PRESENTATIONS – Afternoon Session (Session 2) | |
Track A – Deriving 3D models from point clouds (D2-S2-A) Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) Chair: Roland Billen | Track B – Sensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins (D2-S2-B) Location: HS2 (Hörsaal 2) Chair: Sisi Zlatanova | |
Reconstructing façade details using MLS point clouds and Bag-of-Words approach. (Fröch, Thomas; Wysocki, Olaf; Hoegner, Ludwig; Stilla, Uwe) | Dynamic Digital Twins: Challenges, Perspectives and Practical Implementation from a City’s Perspective. (Richter, Rico; Knospe, Frank; Trapp, Matthias; Döllner, Jürgen) | |
Generating 3D Roof Models from ALS Point Clouds using Roof Line Topologies. (Kong, Gefei; Fan, Hongchao) | Humans as Sensors in Urban Digital Twins. (Lei, Binyu; Su, Yunlei; Biljecki, Filip) | |
MLS2LoD3: Refining low LoDs building models with MLS point clouds to reconstruct semantic LoD3 building models. (Wysocki, Olaf; Hoegner, Ludwig; Stilla, Uwe) | Visualisation Requirements for Integrated 3D City Models and Sensor Data in Urban Digital Twins. (Gitahi, Joseph; Kolbe, Thomas H.) | |
Semantic segmentation of buildings using multisource ALS data. (Walicka, Agata; Pfeifer, Norbert) | Investigation of CityGML 3.0 for modelling temporal aspects in underground land administration. (Saeidian, Bahram; Rajabifard, Abbas; Atazadeh, Behnam; Kalantari, Mohsen) | |
Classifying point clouds at the facade-level using geometric features and deep learning networks. (Tan, Yue; Wysocki, Olaf; Stilla, Uwe; Hoegner, Ludwig) | Integrating dynamic data with 3D city models via CityJSON extension. (Boumhidi, Khawla; Nys, Gilles-Antoine; Hajji, Rafika) | |
15:00 – 15:30 | AFTERNOON COFFEE/TEA BREAK (Grab your drinks for the closing ceremony) | |
15:30 – 16:00 | CLOSING Location: HS1 (Hörsaal 1) | |
Conclusion of Conference and announcement of next year’s conference details |